14. April 2014 NTi Audio appoints Charles Greene as sales manager for UK & Ireland We are pleased to welcome a new member to the NTi Audio team. Charles Greene, based in Hertfordshire just north of London, strengthens our customer support capability throughout the UK and Ireland. Read more
28. March 2014 A loudspeaker test to suit your budget The widely-used NTi Audio RT-Speaker loudspeaker test system is now available in three editions, graded on functionality and price. This allows you to select the appropriate solution that fulfills your individual loudspeaker testing requirements. Read more
26. February 2014 XL2 Data Explorer - the Fast Track to professional reporting The highly anticipated release of Data Explorer, the latest in PC reporting software for precision-grade noise measurements, is here. Designed by users of the XL2 Acoustic Analyzer, Data Explorer is an ideal sound level meter companion offering clear visualization, fast data analysis and professional reporting of environmental noise measurements. Read more
14. February 2014 Low-Level Indication for XL2 Sound Level Meter The XL2 Sound Level Meter now provides individual under-range indicators for both C- and Z-weighted sound levels. This new feature ensures increased confidence in measurement integrity while maintaining simplicity of measurement. Read more
12. February 2014 Flexible Percentile Sound Level Measurements The statistical distribution of sound pressure levels is commonly used for environmental noise analysis, such as road traffic or community noise assessments. Now the XL2 allows you to measure any percentile level from 1% through to 99% as well as define the time and frequency weightings for the statistics. Read more
05. February 2014 Successful cooperation between NTi Audio and Siemens Germany The Augsburg site of Siemens Germany is responsible for the technical safety of the Gundremmingen Nuclear Power Plant, the highest-output nuclear power station in Germany. Within a project lasting two years, the alarm system of the whole site was brought up to the latest technical standards. NTi Audio was selected as the partner for the conceptual design and realization of ... Read more
28. January 2014 XL2 for Induction Loop Measurements (AFILS) The XL2 Audio Analyzer offers the dedicated test solution for commissioning and verification of inductive loop systems. Now the handheld meter provides also frequency response measurements in dBu. Read more
09. January 2014 Namdong Stadium Commissioned for Asian Games 2014 Inchon, South Korea: The Namdong Stadium, which will host the upcoming Asian Games 2014, was commissioned using the handheld XL2 Analyzer. The newly conceptualized stadium will showcase the Asian Games 2014 rugby tournament. Read more
29. November 2013 XL2 Measures the Frequency Spectrum of Audio Signals With the introduction of dBu, dBV and volt measurement units, the XL2 Analyzer is now able to determine the spectrum of audio devices. By measuring the frequency response as well as the intrinsic noise spectrum of an audio device, the XL2 has consolidated its leading position as a powerful handheld audio analyzer. Read more
28. November 2013 XL2 Analyzers at Southampton Solent University Southampton Solent University is well equipped with no less than ten XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzers, each installed with the Extended Acoustic Pack option. Katri Ingram BSc (Hons) Sound Engineering, an Acoustics Technician at Solent Acoustics, discusses how the XL2 is used for education and consultancy work: Read more