
12. August 2019

Extreme acoustics in the shooting range

Extreme acoustics in the shooting range

Imagine this scene in a Hollywood action movie: Two police officers are chasing the bad guy in an industrial area surrounded by high concrete walls. A wild gunfight ensues for several minutes. In the end, the police capture the bad guy and all walk off unhurt.

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30. May 2019

Basic Audio & Acoustic Measurement Seminar in Tokyo

Basic Audio & Acoustic Measurement Seminar in Tokyo

NTi Japan held a seminar on April 16th in Tokyo on basic audio and acoustic measurements. This seminar focused on elemental knowledge about audio and acoustic measurement, such as sound pressure level, RTA, and frequency response of audio devices. The participants were given a demonstration of each measurement.

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06. May 2019

STI Reporter Supports International Standards

STI Reporter Supports International Standards

The NTi Audio STI Reporter is an MS Excel tool for reporting speech intelligibility in rooms with multiple measurement points. The tool has now been further developed to include the ISO, CEN, DIN, and VDE country-specific standards.

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