03. febrero 2015

Certified Measurement Accuracy through regular Calibrations

Certified Measurement Accuracy through regular Calibrations

NTi Audio will calibrate your instrument and provide you with a Manufacturer’s Calibration Certificate. This traceable, dated certificate verifies and documents the measurement accuracy of your instrument.

The NTi Audio calibration service provides a detailed verification. All measurement parameters are considered and factory adjustments performed. At the same time your instrument is upgraded with the latest applicable firmware. The manufacturer calibration process provides you with certified measurement accuracy you can trust.

The recommended calibration interval is one year, in accordance with ISO quality systems and international recommendations. The calibration and adjustment procedures follow the documentation and traceability requirements of the EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard. Certify the measurement accuracy of your instruments through regular scheduled calibrations.

Returning your instruments for calibration is simple; there are just four steps. In case you are located in Americas, then just contact NTi Americas directly for the manufacturer calibration service.

Customers outside Americas click here to start:
Service Calibration Process

Download sample calibration certificates








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