2018年 4月 23日

Launch of NTi Audio User Forum

Help and get help from other users

Launch of NTi Audio User Forum

We’re happy to announce the launch of our new web-based NTi Audio discussion forum. In this forum, it’s about sharing knowledge and experience in acoustic, audio and vibration measurements with other users. Anyone can read the questions and answers. To ask a new question or answer a post, a simple registration is required. The registration needs only a valid email address. Alternatively, you can log in using your Google, Facebook or Twitter account.

The customer user forum is an addition to our existing support channels; check out our webinars and know-how pages, drop us an email, or give us a call on +423 239 60 60. The forum will be monitored and moderated by NTi Audio when required. However, the content is from users for users. Help and get help from others.

So get started! Log in at http://forum.nti-audio.com to join and contribute to the NTi Audio community.

Categories: 会社情報
