09. October 2023 High-precision GPS Position and Time Determination for the XL3 Sound Level Meter A GPS mouse can be simply connected to the USB-A socket of the XL3 Sound Level Meter, allowing the XL3 to determine its own position and the exact time. Easy plug-and-play handling, low power consumption and effortless mounting make this accessory indispensable for many applications. GPS Mouse connected to the XL3, Noise Monitoring Terminal A flashing LED signals when the mouse is properly positioned and receiving a signal. It comes with a magnetic attachment. After a few seconds, the GPS mouse provides position and time information. At the same time, the status of the GPS signal is shown on the XL3 display. XL3 Screen with a connected GPS Mouse The GPS position data is determined every minute and recorded together with the measurement data. The system time of the XL3 is synchronized with the time information of the GPS signal. This is particularly important when the measurement data of several XL3s have to be synchronized with millisecond accuracy. Technical specifications and ordering information can be found here. Do you have any questions? Please contact us at info@nti-audio.com Categories: Noise Measurement Tags: