XL2 Vibration Meter

Flexible. Intuitive. Versatile.

  • Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement
  • FFT Analyzer
  • CPB Spectrum Analyzer
  • Waveform Viewer (Scope)
  • Data Logger

Options Accessories Specifications

The Vibration Meter is a multi-functional device designed for machine vibration measurement (cyclic condition monitoring and troubleshooting), production line quality control, as well as structural vibration assessment.

At a glance

  • Simultaneous display of acceleration, velocity and displacement
  • Frequencies down to 0.7 Hz
  • Data and waveform logging
  • Headphone output

Introducing the Vibration Meter

Vibration Meter / CPB Spectrum

The Vibration Meter accurately measures acceleration, velocity and displacement simultaneously for frequencies down to 0.7 Hz. The results are presented with metric or imperial units, or as a dB value with an adjustable reference level. Various filters as well as time weightings, including gliding RMS values for smooth readings, Peak and Peak-Peak readings are available, supporting a broad range of applications.

A CPB spectrum with 1/1 or 1/3 octave resolution is calculated simultaneously, covering a frequency range from 0.8 Hz to 2.5 kHz. An automatic cursor points to the dominating frequency. Spectra can be compared using a “capture” which holds a previous result while, at the same time, showing the spectrum of the current input signal.

The data logger supports recording of vibration measurements and CPB results in plain text format for easy import e.g. into MS Excel. The vibration signal can also be stored, along with measured data, as a compressed or linear wave file. All data is stored on the device's SD card, along with voice notes if required. The SD card provides sufficient space for long-term vibration assessments.

XL2 Sound Level Meter;

FFT Analyzer

The FFT Analyzer helps to identify the various sources of vibration while also quantifying vibration levels. The analysis is conducted in real-time. To support the wide range of measurement applications, three frequency ranges are supported: 1 to 105 Hz, 5 to 421 Hz and 23 to 1687 Hz with a resolution of 143 lines. In addition to exponential averaging with a selectable time constant, the FFT also calculates the linear average (EQ) for smoothed measurement results. Acceleration, velocity and displacement readings may be selected.

The Spectral Limits Option extends the FFT Analysis with trace capturing, relative curve display and comprehensive tolerance handling. Additionally, it offers a high-resolution Zoom-FFT of up to 0.4 Hz steps in the frequency range 1 Hz - 20 kHz.

XL2 Sound Level Meter

Waveform Viewer

The scope function visualizes the waveform of the input signal. It automatically triggers to the fundamental frequency and selects the scaling of the X-axis (time) and Y-axis (level) accordingly. The fundamental, or most dominant, frequency of the input signal is displayed above the scope screen.

XL2 Sound Level Meter

Pass / Fail Testing

In batch production, undesirable vibration in a manufactured product can be detected by means of frequency analysis. The pass/fail test uses the frequency spectrum of a "good" product as a reference and compares it. The Vibration Meter can be integrated into a production line to execute this process. A high-resolution zoom FFT or a CPB spectrum with a resolution of up to 1/12 octave is available for frequency analysis. Trace captures allow simple creation of reference spectra for later comparison.

The pass/fail results are visualized on the display as well as via the Limit LED, and are logged as text files. With the "Remote Measurement" option, measurements can be started via the USB interface and the results retrieved.

XL2 Sound Level Meter

Acoustic Analysis and more included

The versatile Vibration Meter can do even more! As soon as a user attaches an NTi Audio measurement microphone, the instrument will automatically switch to the "Sound Mode". The vibration meter becomes a multi-functional sound level meter with a wide range of measurement functions.

Data Analysis and Reporting

The Vibration Meter stores all measurement data in text format (*.txt) and audio as wave files (*.wav) on the SD card and allows direct transfer of all data to your computer. Data reports can be opened with any text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, etc). The data is tab-delimited, so dropping the .txt file into a spreadsheet application will conveniently show the results in columns.

WAV files contain files names, date, time and scale in the broadcast header, simplifying its allocation and manipulation.

Log File

We are happy users of the NTi Audio equipment - can't imagine how we did it before.

Cosmas Savary
ZC Ziegler Consultants AG, Switzerland

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XL2 with M4260 Measurement Microphone

Vibration Meter Kit

  • XL2 Analyzer
  • Vibration Meter Option
  • ICP Adapter ASD
  • Accelerometer A4580
  • Exel System Case

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