The Vibration Meter accurately measures acceleration, velocity and displacement simultaneously for frequencies down to 0.7 Hz. The results are presented with metric or imperial units, or as a dB value with an adjustable reference level. Various filters as well as time weightings, including gliding RMS values for smooth readings, Peak and Peak-Peak readings are available, supporting a broad range of applications.
A CPB spectrum with 1/1 or 1/3 octave resolution is calculated simultaneously, covering a frequency range from 0.8 Hz to 2.5 kHz. An automatic cursor points to the dominating frequency. Spectra can be compared using a “capture” which holds a previous result while, at the same time, showing the spectrum of the current input signal.
The data logger supports recording of vibration measurements and CPB results in plain text format for easy import e.g. into MS Excel. The vibration signal can also be stored, along with measured data, as a compressed or linear wave file. All data is stored on the device's SD card, along with voice notes if required. The SD card provides sufficient space for long-term vibration assessments.