09. May 2016

University of Macau Joins the NTi Audio User Family

University of Macau Joins the NTi Audio User Family

CHINA:University of Macau (UM) is the first modern and international university in Macau. Its new campus has over 100 multifunctional halls and meeting rooms. After a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation, UM’s equipment maintenance team selected the XL2 Analyzer Set as the essential tool for installation and commissioning of their audio and acoustic systems. With the help of tools from NTi Audio, the team will provide operational support for the PA systems at the university. On 27th April 2016, NTI China provided a seminar of technical support.

During the seminar, Ention Xian, Product Manager of NTi Audio, introduced the XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer, MR-PRO Audio Signal Generator and TalkBox Acoustic Signal Generator. Referencing related standards, he also explained the theory behind and measurement methods for specific parameters. Mr. Xian was also pleased to provide answers to the questions from the engineering team members.

Theory and Practice

Having found the cause, the engineers of UM can easily modify their system. With its clear display and user-friendly interface, the XL2 made the testing smooth and efficient.

The XL2 Analyzer and its accessories greatly simplify the measurement process for the engineers. Even with its easy-to-use interface, the operators still have to understand what they are doing. That is why, as part of the technical support, NTi Audio provides much more than just how to operate the instruments. All the engineers attending the seminar communicated that they knew more about the meaning of each measurement parameter after completing the training.


For the practical demonstration, a particular multifunctional hall was selected; there had been numerous complaints about the poor speech reproduction. One could hardly hear the presenter, let alone understand what the speaker was saying. Mr. Xian invited the engineers to join in his testing: Firstly, the speech intelligibility STIPA was measured. The result was not good (between 0.35 – 0.44 STI). This clearly indicates why people cannot understand the presenters. To find the cause of the problem, they tested the other parameters including Reverberation Time RT60 and delay time with the XL2 analyzer. They learned that RT60 in this hall was very long (especially in the low frequencies) and that the delay time between the line array speakers in the front and the speakers installed in the ceiling was also outside an acceptable range.


Mr. Timothy from University of Macau, who is in charge of the audio system said, ”It was a wise decision to select NTi Audio as the partner. The XL2 Set is so powerful but yet so easy to use. Our work will be much easier than before. Thanks to NTI China and their professional support, we understood the operation and measurement methods of the instruments within just half a day. We are looking forward to our continued relationship with NTi Audio.”


more about University of Macau
more about XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer


Categories: Archive
