29. November 2013 XL2 Measures the Frequency Spectrum of Audio Signals With the introduction of dBu, dBV and volt measurement units, the XL2 Analyzer is now able to determine the spectrum of audio devices. By measuring the frequency response as well as the intrinsic noise spectrum of an audio device, the XL2 has consolidated its leading position as a powerful handheld audio analyzer. The detailed analysis of the frequency spectrum of audio signals in dBu , dBV, or volts is available with the standard XL2 instrument in octave, third-octave and linear FFT resolutions. All measurement results can be stored as ASCII data for later analysis with spreadsheet programs on MAC or PC. Professional Instrument for Audio-Acoustic Installations The combination of acoustic and electric measurement possibilities makes the XL2 Analyzer the ideal measurement solution for installation and service of audio-acoustic installations and evacuation systems. Further, the handy built-in speaker on the rear of the XL2 allows you to listen to the audio signal while measuring. With a wide level range of 2 µV to 25 V, the XL2 Audio Analyzer is well suited for the analysis of professional audio systems. Precise frequency measurement, numerous weighting filters and a signal-to-noise ratio of up to -100 dB complete the functionality. Automatic Switching to Unit dBSPL The XL2 recognizes when an NTi Audio measurement microphone has been connected, and automatically switches units to dBSPL. This simple yet effective automation provides a very useful assist when the XL2 is being switched from an audio measurement device to a sound level meter. XL2 for Quality Control in Production Lines The XL2 Audio Analyzer is now a handy and cost-effective audio measurement instrument for quality control in the production of audio devices. With the Spectral Limits Option, the XL2 measures the frequency response in 1/12 octave band resolution and compares the result with a reference spectrum. The result is visualized as PASS or FAIL. Further, via the XL2 digital inputs and outputs, you can trigger other external devices based on these results. Furthermore, the XL2 may be monitored and controlled by PC applications via the USB connection. The spectral analysis of audio signals in dBu, dBV and volts is available with XL2 firmware Version 2.60 or higher. The XL2 Spectral Limits Option extends the analyzer to 1/12 octave resolution while the XL2 Remote Measurement Option allows you to integrate the monitoring and control of the XL2 into PC-application automated test sequences. Download the latest XL2 firmware V2.60 for free here. More information about the XL2 Audio Analyzer here. Press Picture(s) for download here. Categories: Archive Tags: