25. October 2012 Remote Monitoring: XL2 logs directly into MS Excel A variety of software applications can be used to obtain data in real time from the XL2 Analyzer, including MS Excel. Simply connect the XL2 Analyzer with installed Remote Measurement Option to your PC via USB and run the free demo software. The Microsoft Excel demo polls the noise levels from XL2 Analyzer each second, generates a time chart, bargraph and lists the log data. Just press ALT-F11 to view the code behind the Excel Application and change it to suit your solution. To obtain data from the XL2 Analyzer via USB requires that the Remote Measurement Option be installed on the XL2, enabling online querying of noise levels, the noise spectra and RMS/THD data directly to your PC. Watch the video "XL2 log directly into MS Excel" Read more about the XL2 Sound Level Meter Categories: Archive Tags: