27. November 2020

XL2 Vibration Meter supports PPV measurements

XL2 Vibration Meter supports PPV measurements

If you have the Vibration Option installed on your XL2, you can now also record the Peak-Particle-Velocity (PPV) values, as well as the peak and the peak-to-peak values of all spectral measurements, thanks to the new firmware V4.50. Furthermore, you can also now display measured values in fixed ranges.

An XL2 Vibration Meter is activated by installing a Vibration Option on a XL2 Acoustic Analyzer. The instrument supports broadband and spectral measurement and recording of acceleration, velocity, as well as displacement using an accelerometer. Both metric and imperial units are supported. The values can be acquired, displayed and recorded as peak, peak-to-peak, RMS, or Peak-Particle-velocity (PPV) values.

With the new firmware, you may now choose the measured values to be displayed in an adjustable fixed range from 0.01 to 999 or, in the glide ratio display, switch the display to the next decimal point when overflow or underflow occurs.

The Vibration Option can be installed on any XL2. Together with the ICP Adapter ASD, it provides the necessary constant current source for all ICP accelerometers and allows storing of the individual calibration data of the sensor.


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Further links to the topic:

Categories: Vibration Measurement
