08. April 2013 Flemish Noise Standards for Music Events - Vlaamse Geluidsnormen On 1 January 2013 new laws regulating sound levels at music events were introduced in the Flemish part of Belgium. The regulations on the maximum noise level apply to all music activities that are accessible to the public and at which electronically-amplified music is played. This means that every public activity with recorded music (e.g. CDs, MP3 ...) or electronically-amplified live music (e.g. live performances with microphones, amplifiers ...) is subject to the regulations. The law applies equally to a cafe with normal background music, a party in a room or a tent, music in a gym, a dance, background music during a meal, a play with music, a performance in a hall (small or large), an outdoor festival ... How Do I Comply with the Regulations? NTi Audio provides convenient tools for Sound Engineers and consultants to easily monitor and report sound levels to Belgian authorities: XL2 with M4260 Microphone Simply power up the XL2 sound level meter, select the pre-configured Flemish measurement profile and press start. The XL2 measures and logs all levels without further user action, and gives you a red light when you are above the limit. Read more about the XL2 Read more about the M4260 Microphone XL2 Projector The XL2 Projector is a free software that displays the XL2 screen in real-time via USB on the connected PC. The virtual keyboard enables control of the XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer with mouse clicks from the PC. Live sound engineers can monitor the sound level at distances away from the XL2. The background color of the XL2 Projector turns from green to red according to the user-defined limits. Requires: USB connection to XL2 with M4260 Microphone Languages: English (Click to enlarge) Sound Level Predictor A free PC software that allows the FOH-Engineer to glace 10 minutes into the future and see a simple visual display of what the sound pressure level is likely to be. Requires: USB connection to XL2 with M4260 Microphone and Remote Measurement Option Languages: Dutch, English, German (Click to enlarge) Vlaams Geluidsrapport Provide a comprehensive report to your client and/or the Belgian authorities. The XL2 sound level meter measures all the essential data and the Vlaams Geluidsrapport presents it in a well-structured report, ready for printout or saving. Languages: Dutch, English I am interested: Contact NTi Audio Download the tools you need at the XL2 Support website. More information regarding the Flemish regulation here (Dutch). Categories: Archive Tags: