20. November 2014 Successful NTi Audio Live Sound Tuning Seminar SINGAPORE: More than two dozen experienced sound engineers successfully completed the Live Sound Tuning seminar where NTi Audio once again demonstrated the breadth of their international customer support network. Berno Nigsch, Product Manager at NTi Audio, flew in specifically from Switzerland to provide support for the local distributor, Broadcast Professional, in their headquarters in Singapore. The seminar covered all audio and acoustic measurement applications that are invaluable to sound engineers before, during and after a live performance. The attendees learned how to achieve quality sound performance. "In this session I was able to cover all the basics as well as advanced features of the instruments," stated Berno. He continued, "On the question of sound regulation, we at NTi Audio understand that the applicable law depends on the country. I was surprised to hear that the unspoken rule in Singapore is you can go as loud as you want until the police come." Noise Level Monitoring is essential Using a case study from Portugal, Berno emphasized the necessity to monitor sound levels. "Club-owners (in this case) had the mentality that to bring in more customers, they had to increase their sound levels. This led to a battle of audio levels as each wanted to be louder than the next. Finally, the police were brought in because of the many complaints from the tourists in the area who were trying to get some sleep! We know this is a regular problem faced by many at live sound events and we have found a way to manage it." Predicting Sound Levels into the Future The engineers were further introduced to the Sound Level Predictor PC Software Application, an accessory to the XL2. The software is able to predict the sound levels 10 minutes into the future. "It’s not magic; just science," said Berno, and explained, "This gives the sound engineer time to consider options for reducing levels without pulling the main faders down and compromising the mix." Audio Engineer, Arron Jardine commented, "It was very detailed with the seminar and I feel like I learned something from this. For example, I realized things that I could do with my PA which I would not have thought were possible, until today." - 13 Nov 2014 I am interested in the Live Sound Test Solution: Contact NTi Audio Read more about Test Solution for Front of House Complying with sound limits and the Sound Level Predictor How to setup for a live sound event Broadcast Professional distributes NTi Audio products in Singapore and are well equipped to handle enquiries regarding acoustic measurements and noise monitoring solutions. More at www.broadcastpro.com.sg. Categories: Archive Tags: