
21. February 2022

How NTi Audio was making a difference at the Olympics

How NTi Audio was making a difference at the Olympics

People around the world were following the competitions with excitement via radio, television and the Internet. So, from the start of construction to the completion of the event, acoustics consultants controlled every step of the process to ensure that all acoustic specifications were met and to achieve the best possible sound clarity...

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15. November 2021

One-stop Building Acoustics Solution

One-stop Building Acoustics Solution

For building acoustics measurements, NTi Audio AG offers a one-stop, complete package. The keystone is the Sound Insulation Reporter software. With the new version V1.36, the Sound Insulation Reporter software covers the latest standard adaptations...

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21. October 2021

New Service Centre for EU Customers

New Service Centre for EU Customers

Since June 2021, calibrations and repairs of NTi Audio products for customers from the EU have been carried out by NTi Audio GmbH in Essen, Germany. This greatly speeds up the process of shipment of measurement equipment within the European Union...

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28. June 2021

New Measurement Microphone M2340

New Measurement Microphone M2340

The new M2340 measurement microphone is a further development of the M2230, compatible with the XL2 and also a Class 1 measurement microphone. In addition, the M2340 features self-verification circuitry and consumes significantly less power than the M2230...

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28. June 2021

FX100 and FX-Control – a Perfect Team!

FX100 and FX-Control – a Perfect Team!

There are products that complement each other ideally – such as the FX100 Audio Analyzer and the FX-Control software. The latter allows the user to exploit the full potential of the FX100 in a simple way. The intuitive user interface makes it possible to successfully and attractively implement even demanding measurement tasks within a short time...

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