
20. May 2022

'Drop the bass' while Managing Compliance

'Drop the bass' while Managing Compliance

Presenting live noise levels to the sound engineer during an event is exactly what NoiseScout offers, allowing them to maximize the audio experience for the audience while ensuring compliance with the stipulated noise limits...

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18. May 2022

Jacques Burillier joins NTi Audio

Jacques Burillier joins NTi Audio

The addition of Jacques Burillier as our International Business Development Manager marks a milestone in the NTi Audio Journey and will shortly propel the NTi Audio group into the first league of Noise and Vibration solutions providers...

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15. March 2022

How to Measure Nuisance Sounds

How to Measure Nuisance Sounds

The primary goal of a sound level meter is to measure sound pressure levels. Upper limits for these levels are generally prescribed by law. However, there are also noises that are far below any limits...

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21. February 2022

How NTi Audio was making a difference at the Olympics

How NTi Audio was making a difference at the Olympics

People around the world were following the competitions with excitement via radio, television and the Internet. So, from the start of construction to the completion of the event, acoustics consultants controlled every step of the process to ensure that all acoustic specifications were met and to achieve the best possible sound clarity...

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